
Tested by professional players, they judged the balance, weight, feeling and the appearance.
All of them where very positive.

I have played with GWG’s putter during 2001-2002 and my opinion is:

It is a unique putter with amazing good balance,
the wooden material in the hitting area gives a wonderful and pleasant ball hit and a very good roll.

It gives a good self-esteem and a nice sound.
The GwG putter can easily be compared with the best putters in the world, I could imagine using it on the European tour.

Peter Hedblom

Opinions about the GWG putter Idnr. A 00 18

I have had the benefit during a period to try one of your putters and in my opinion.

Entirely outstanding compared with any other putter I have seen. Very beautiful to look at which is important to give self-esteem. It is easy to aim with when the hitting area has a deviant color.

The balance is remarkable good and the putter head follows the pendulum movement perfect. The ball hit gives a soft and nice stroke that creates a big feeling for length.

A fantastic product that I am convinced that it has big opportunities to get in to the market.

Västerås den 15/6 2001

Anders Werthén
Former manager
Member in the Swedish PGA
Owner of Werthén Golf Academy
(Golf player since 1952)


We would like to write an opinion about your putter that we tested in connection with the final on the Toyota Touren 2001. We where eighteen finalists that all thought the appearance of the putter lack equivalence, it is beautiful. There were some sceptics about a putter in wood but it disappeared quickly after we tested the ball hit your putter actually gives. It is incredible to putt with and of eighteen seven could consider changing putter. We wish you luck with the marketing of your putter, it deserves it.

Greetings from Adam Gregers-Varg
Organizer Toyota Touren Golf 2001